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蘇美靈 著

本書選取了聖經中一些詞語及諺語作出簡單易明的解釋,從「神」、「遮醜葉」、「我豈是看守我兄弟的嗎」、「微小聲音」,到「披麻蒙灰」、「麥子與糠秕」、「和平使者」、「眼中小刺」等,除引述經文出處外,還有英文實例,幫助讀者把它們應用於日常生活中。 ...了解更多....



作者: 蘇美靈
出版: 基督教天人社
初版: 2005/04
頁數: 128
尺寸: 140*210 mm
ISBN: 9789627350972
分類: 聖經專題






1. Bible
2. God
3. In the image of
4. Garden of Eden
5. Forbidden fruit
6. Fig leaf
7. Fall from grace
8. Cain
9. Am I my brother's keeper?
10. Marked man
11. Methusaleh
12. The Flood/ Noah's ark
13. Babel of tongues/ voices
14. Tithe
15. Promised land
16. Uncircumcised
17. Sodom and Gomorrach
18. Making bricks without straw
19. Burning bush
20. Moses
21. The Ten Plagues
22. Gird your loins
23. Exodus
24. Manna from heaven
25. Sabbath
26. Wandering in the wilderness
27. Philistines
28. Samson
29. Ruthless
30. After one's heart
31. David and Goliath
32. David and Jonathan
33. Solomon's wisdom
34. Still, small voice
35. Jezebel
36. Search one's heart
37. Prophet of doom
38. Job's patience
39. Job's comforters
40. Angels
41. Three score and ten
42. Spare the rod and spoil the child
43. Pride comes before a fall
44. A happy heart is the best medicine
45. Heap coals of fire on his head
46. Under the sun
47. Fly in the ointment
48. Blood on one's hands
49. Grind the faces of the poor into dust
50. Lip service
51. Like a lamb to the slaughter
52. No peace for the wicked
53. Sackcloth and ashes
54. Change one's spots
55. Writing on the wall
56. Your days are numbered
57. Apocrypha
58. Jesus Christ
59. Slaughter of the innoncents
60. A voice crying in the wilderness
61. Separate the wheat from the chaff
62. Peacemakers
63. Salt of the earth
64. hide one's light under the bushel
65. An iota
66. Turn the other cheek
67. The second mile
68. Daily bread
69. Mote in the eyes
70. Casting pearls before swine
71. Wolf in sheep's clothing
72. Beat the breast
73. Fall by the wayside
74. A prophet is not respected in his own country
75. The blind leading the blind
76. Out of the months of babes and sucklings
77. Pharisee
78. Whited sepulchre
79. Separate the sheep from the goats
80. In the fullness of time
81. Wash ones hands of
82. Baptism
83. Levy
84. Shake the dust off one's feet
85. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
86. Gospel
87. New wine in old bottles
88. Carry his cross
89. Good Samaritan
90. Prodigal son
91. Serve two masters
92. Judas
93. The Last Supper
94. Lo and Behold
95. Throw the first stone
96. Crucify/ Crucifixion
97. Doubting Thomas
98. No respecter of a person
99. Unchristian
100. Sunday
101. More blessed to give than to receive
102. Scales falling from the eyes
103. Making a spectacle of yourself
104. Scum of the earth
105. Resurrection
106. Thorn on the side
107. Unbridled tongue
108. Cover a multitude of sins
109. Apocalyse
110. Alpha & Omega
111. Like a thief in the night
112. Judgement Day
113. Satan



苏美灵 着


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基督教天人社 (HK) 源於聖經的詞語及諺語(斷版)
蘇美靈 著

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