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周密 adjective ()

dense adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这 些报告连同其周密 景材料将广泛分发(在线和离线)。
These reports along with other planned background material, will be extensively distributed, on and off-line.
因此,在考虑到当地环境的情况下, 为接受科学教育的人制周密 业规划是这 一发展过程的组成部分。
Thus, careful career planning for scientifically educated people, keeping in mind the local environment, must be an integral part of the development process.
同样的项目实施进度会产生不同的开支率,这取决于 当年拨款是否能得周密 理与调节,以反映每个项目的实际进度。
The same level of project implementation can result in different expenditure rates depending on whether or not the level of allotment was minutely managed and adjusted during the course of the year to reflect the actual progress of each project.
我认为,如果我们采取 明智周密 法,继续携手努力,我们就能够减少 并最终消除恐怖主义的威胁。
I think that if we are smart and thorough in our approach and continue our work together, we can reduce and eventually end the threat of terrorism.
[...] 环境下,必须在这种时候再加一把努力;所需资源的绝对值相对不大,但如同在 其他面对社会经济压力的国家中一样,按照一项设 周密 略及时注入支助, 会在确保迄今已经取得的收益方面以及在防止出现造成更高的长期成本的倒退 [...]
Even within the current financial climate, it is vital that an additional effort be made at this time; the resources required would be relatively modest in absolute terms, but, as in other countries facing socio-economic
pressures, a timely
[...] injection of support around a well-designed strategy could make a critical difference in [...]
securing the gains that
have been achieved thus far and in pre-empting a backward slide that would entail far greater cost in the long term.
3.120 联合国驻非洲联盟办事处规划组在执行现有任务,向非洲联盟提供非索特派团规划和部署方面 的技术和专家咨询的同时,将与总部设在内罗毕的联合国非索特派团支助办事处(非索特派团支
[...] 助办)和联合国索马里政治事务处(联索政治处)以及其他相关行为体保持密切联系,确保向非 索特派团提供统筹一致周密 的规划支助和咨询。
3.120 As UNOAU is implementing the existing mandate of the United Nations planning team for AMISOM of providing technical and expert advice to the African Union in the planning and deployment of AMISOM, it maintains close links with the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM (UNSOA) and the United Nations Political Office for Somalia, both based in Nairobi, as well as
with other relevant actors, to ensure consistent,
[...] comprehensive and well-coordinated planning support and advice to AMISOM.
而 这需要依赖于以下工作:市场和贸易评估 周密 划以满足产品市 场投放市场前的有关法规审批时间安排,以及与利益相关方和员工的 沟通。
The effort should include market and trade assessments, careful planning to meet appropriate regulatory timelines before product launch, and consistent communication with stakeholders and employees.
如果能够制定周密 购计划,在(c)项提及的 情形中(为标准化和配套之故而需要从同一来源添购供应品),框架协议也不失 为一种可以替代单一来源采购的可行办法。
With better procurement planning, framework agreements may also be a viable alternative to single-source procurement in situations referred to in subparagraph (c) (the need for additional supplies from the same source for reasons of standardization and compatibility).
委员会注意到国家行动计划“人人普及教育”包含一项使0-5 岁的儿童充分
[...] 发育的战略,但委员会感到关切的是,缺乏儿童早期发育活动的预算和计 周密 面的儿童早期保健和发育方案。
While noting that the National Plan of Action “Education for All” contains a strategy for children aged 0–5 to develop to their fullest potential, the Committee is concerned about the absence of a budget
for early childhood development activities
[...] and well-planned and comprehensive early [...]
childhood care and development programmes.
您需要根据自身情况做周密 策和计划,但您没有理由放弃生命和与世隔绝。
You will need to make careful decisions and plans regarding your condition, but there is no reason to give up on life and relationships.
委托瑞典林业局与萨米议会协商提出进一步措施,包括修改现行法规, 确保林业更多地考虑到驯鹿牧区,寻找冬季的基本牧场,并在那里进 周密地准备工作。
The Swedish Forest Agency should be commissioned, in consultation with the Saami Parliament, to propose further measures, including changes to current regulations, to ensure that forestry shows greater consideration in the reindeer husbandry area, as well as to identify essential areas for winter grazing, where, for example, considerate land preparation should be undertaken.
将建议1提到的研究结果同穆罕默迪亚和伊斯 兰教师联合会等大型社会组织分享,同时为这 些组周密 的提案提供资金。接受资金的 项目应该由各个组织的青少年和学生团体同组 织成员共同实施,并且重点针对曾出现极端主 义活动的地区进行预防暴力宣传的活动。
Share the results of the research in Recommendation 1, above, with the large social organisations like Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama and provide funding for well-designed proposals that their respective youth and student groups could undertake with their members, aimed at preventing advocacy of violence in areas that have a history of extremist activity.
这些工作复杂且具有挑战性。但是多亏有周 密 划,我们才能如此顺利地完成了收购过程,其间的 失误率几乎为零。
These were complex, challenging projects but thanks to meticulous planning, we had extremely smooth golives with very few incidents.
可將有限硬體保固* 延長至 3
[...] 年,並可選購意外損壞服務*,針對有限硬體保固未涵蓋的電流突波、液體潑濺及其他危險,提 周密
Extend your Limited Hardware Warranty* up to 3 years, and choose Accidental Damage
Service* for protection against power surges, liquid spills and other hazards not covered under
[...] your Limited Hardware Warranty.
从SAP系统转移数据要周密 以及与客户的封闭式合作”,ARROW公司的Pekka [...]
Transferring data from the SAP system required
[...] precise planning and close cooperation with [...]
the client”, tells Pekka Pylkkänen of ARROW.
有些国家,例如巴西和埃及(在汇总表中名列前茅),在标明进展时把全面 周密 记录的分析与明确的性别平等成果和指标相结合,并对分配给性别平等工作 的资源程度作出了说明。
Some like Brazil and Egypt (among the highest ranked in the matrix), combined comprehensive, well-conceived and documented analysis with clear gender equality outcomes and indicators to mark progress, and provided an indication of the extent of resources allocated to gender equality work.
我们也赞扬她的团队在为联合国东帝汶综合特 派团(联东综合团)的撤离以及国际社会的工作的必 要过渡周密
We also commend the thorough way in which the team is preparing for the departure of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and the necessary transition of the work of the international community.
勞倫斯實驗室的專案負責人,同時身為電機電子工程師學會會員的 Dr. William W. Moses 對於成果相當滿意,擁有 20 年原子造影經驗的他表示:「友晶團 周密 的檢驗找出並更正了可能導致第二波修改的設計缺失,這讓我們省下幾個月的時間以及數千美金,毫無疑問地,我將會請友晶協助我的下一個計畫,實際上,我現在已正在向他們尋求另一電路板的設計製造報價。
The project lead from Berkeley National Laboratory, Dr. William W. Moses, was immensely pleased with the outcome. “The extremely thorough checking performed by the Terasic team identified and corrected the design flaws that would have forced a second iteration, and so saved us many months and many thousands of dollars,” states Dr. Moses, an IEEE fellow with over 20 years’ experience in nuclear imaging, “There is no question that I would consider Terasic for further projects, and in fact, am about to request a quotation from them for another circuit board.
如果按 照颁布国的传统需要一组周密 义,颁布国似宜借鉴贸易法委员会发表的 术语表[**超级链接**]。
Where the tradition in an enacting State would indicate a more thorough set of definitions, enacting States may wish to draw upon the Glossary published by UNCITRAL [**hyperlink**].
在所有联合国实体周密 各种业务连续 性政策是必要的:它们必须分享并运用所获得的经验 [...]
教训和最佳做法,并确保采用一种系统的方法来完成 实地维持和平和人道主义行动。
Close coordination of business continuity [...]
policies among all United Nations entities was necessary: they must share and
apply lessons learned and best practices and ensure a systematic approach encompassing both peacekeeping and humanitarian operations in the field.
这一项目没有 经周密 ,一些学者怀疑“去激进化”,即改变 改造对象的意识形态,是否可能发生。
Some scholars question whether “deradicalisation”, in the sense of changing ideological commitments, ever really works.
虽然个人能力是影响组织能力最明显的切入点,但评价发现,为了在加强国 家实现性别平等的能力方面产生真正的变革,妇女署为能力建设提供的支持必须 有一个经周密 的战略,着眼于更广泛的能力发展进程。
While the most visible entry points for influencing organizational capacity tended to be individual capacities, the evaluations found that the capacity-building support provided by UN-Women would require a carefully considered strategy that looked at broader capacity-development processes to produce a real change in strengthening national capacity for gender equality.
適當的冷靜期可以讓消費者先就合約條款與親友商量,以便 周密 慮應否接受服務,避免消費者在緊迫的氣氛下倉卒簽約;而訂立標準合約 條款則可以讓消費者大致理解怎樣才是較合理的電訊服務合約條款,並將營 辦商提供的合約與標準合約作出比較,從而更小心地分辨自己的權益所在。
A suitable cooling-off period can enable the consumer to talk over the contract terms with his or her friends and relatives so that careful considerations can be made before the services are accepted.
[...] 层在应对许多这些领域风险过程中做出的初步努力,这需 周密 和深思熟虑 的办法,以在执行新业务计划中整合和/或加强各类工具、资源和流程。
DOS acknowledges the preliminary efforts by management in addressing
risks in many of these areas, which
[...] require a well-planned and thoughtful approach [...]
to integrate and/or consolidate tools,
resources and processes in implementing the new business plan.
无论这些评价界定得如周密 项指标都需要评价者予以分析,使其能够: [...]
(a) 权衡当前各种不同情况的影响;(b) 将成果置于与之相应的体制背景中;(c) 为 内容丰富和包容各方的公共辩论和适当问责总结出有益和有效的经验教训;(d) 降 低操弄的危险并鼓励社会学习。
No matter how well-defined these evaluations [...]
are, the indicators should require evaluators to carry out analyses which are
capable of (a) weighing the influence of different concurrent circumstances; (b) situating results within their corresponding institutional contexts; (c) extracting useful and valid consequences for a rich and inclusive public debate and appropriate accountability; and (d) reducing the risk of manipulation and encouraging social learning.
儿童权利委员会欣见儿童权利国家委员会(2000年) 促进了《公约》的实施 工作,但对参与协调和评价《公约》实施工作的各机构间缺乏安 周密 筹协 调的状况表示关注,因此建议安提瓜和巴布达建立一个单一的部际和部门间机 制。
CRC welcomed the National Committee on the Rights of the Child (2000) to facilitate the implementation of the Convention but expressed concern at the lack of clear and well-structured coordination among the various bodies involved in coordinating and evaluating the Convention’s implementation and recommended that Antigua and Barbuda establish a single inter-ministerial and inter-sectorial mechanism.27 21.
例 如,各组织可以实施计周密 品市场投放监管活动,将植物生物 技术产品和作物直接高效地投放到特定市场中,或是退出特定市场。
For example, an organization may choose to implement product launch stewardship activities that are crafted to direct biotechnology-derived plant products and crops either to or away from specific markets.
对非索特派团部队的两次袭击,一次是 2009 年 2 月 22 日袭击布隆迪部队 总部,一次是 2009 年 9 月 17
[...] 日袭击非索特派团总部,两次袭击 周密 和实 施的,需要收集相当多的情报,并事先对目标进行侦查。
The two attacks on AMISOM forces, at the Burundian force headquarters on 22 February
2009 and AMISOM headquarters on 17
[...] September 2009, were carefully planned and [...]
executed, requiring considerable intelligence
collection and prior reconnaissance of the target.
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