Translation Finder

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In this task, we will present you with tweets that we suspect that contain English and Mandarin translations Knowledge about Mandarin is helpful not not required.
A video tutorial is available
If think that there is a coherent expression that is translated between English and Mandarin, we wish for you to identify it.

The table below shows examples with translations, which are marked with in green and blue:
UK! Purchase your copy of Kelly Rowland's 'ICE' featuring Lil Wayne on iTunes today! (US on Tuesday) http:\/\/ - 英国的粉丝们!快来iTunes购Kelly Rowland的最新单曲 ICE (... http:\/\/\/zWmmxpw
Hey! ❤You're the best. ❤你就是最好的那一个!Goodnight!
To CourtneyLee, hope ur doing well buddy. - 对CourtneyLee说,希望你一切都好,哥们

The table below shows examples without translations, note that we even though the character "你" can be translated to "you", these are used in completely different sentences.
#You are my lady#你听后是怎样的感受呢?#分享视频#MBLAQ
111004 KRY 1st Concert in Nanjing.被这样盯着会融化的吧[害羞]
오.. Hero 는 한문으로 글쓰네.. 您好。见到您门很高兴。

To identify the translated segments, you first have to segment the sentence. You can do this by clicking on the part of the sentence you wish to segment. For instance, in the previous tweet:
Hey! (o)❤You're the best. (o) ❤你就是最好的那一个!(o) Goodnight!
You would have to click on the parts where the symbol (o) is present. This will create new segments.
Afterwards, for the translated segments only, select the language of those segments from the drop-down list. Leaving the remainder as "---".

Also, if you cannot find translations, you can click on the no translation button.
Note: if you do not speak Mandarin, you can use the translate button to translate the message using Google translate, if it helps.
That's all, and good luck!
