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Fairy rings are circular areas of abnormal turf growth that are most commonly found on lawns and golf courses where soils have high levels of organic matter, and in areas where trees have recently been removed. Due to their mysterious, circular appearance, fairy rings have been of interest since ancient times.
fairy ring(来源:en.wikipedia.org)
A fairy ring, also known as fairy circle, elf circle, elf ring or pixie ring, is a naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms. They are found mainly in ...


仙女环是蕈类族群自然排列而成的环。仙女环直径会生长超过10米,在这些真菌成长和吸收地底下的养分时,就会稳定下来。仙女环主要在森林地区找到,但也会在原野的草坪上出现。仙女环可以从担子果排列成环状或弧状、草皮死亡范围以及环状暗色草皮看出。这类蕈类的菌丝体可能会在环状或弧状区域的下方出现。 维基百科
fairy ring(来源:www.woodlandtrust.org.uk)
2019年8月26日 · In English and Celtic folklore, fairy rings were caused by fairies or elves dancing in a circle. It was said that if humans joined in the dance ...
2023年7月26日 · A fairy ring, also known as a fairy court, fairy walk, fairy ground or hag track, is a dark patch of grassy ground that produces a circle, ...
fairy ring(来源:www.usu.edu)
The name fairy ring comes from an old folk-tale. People once believed that mushrooms growing in a circle followed the path made by fairies dancing in a ring ...
fairy ring(来源:www.britannica.com)
2024年3月26日 · A fairy ring starts when the mycelium (spawn) of a mushroom falls in a favourable spot and sends out a subterranean network of fine, tubular ...
2022年2月24日 · Fairy rings are simply naturally-occurring circles of mushrooms, yet they've sparked imaginations for centuries! Here we'll look at why and ...
fairy ring(来源:www.mushroomexpert.com)
If the mycelium decides to produce mushrooms, the result is a fairy ring. Many species produce mushrooms more or less annually. Chlorophyllum molybdites fairy ...
The fairy ring transportation system is unlocked by members after starting the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest and getting permission from the Fairy ...
fairy ring(来源:www.whygoodnature.com)
Fairy Rings are rings or arcs (an unclosed ring or a C) of mismatched grass caused by fungus in the soil. There are three types of Fairy Rings. Type I is the ...