English translation of ÕýºÏÊÊ- Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.
2016Äê7ÔÂ24ÈÕ · Á½ÖÖ˵·¨¶¼ÓÐÓ㬡°´óСÕýºÏÊÊ¡±Ç¿µ÷·Ç³£ºÏÊʺÏÉí£¬¡°´óС¸ÕºÏÊÊ¡±Ç¿µ÷¸Õ¸ÕºÃ£¬¿ÉÄܽö½öÊǸպã¬ÓàµØ±È½ÏС · What is the difference between ºÏÊÊand ÌùÇР...
ÖÐÎÄ: ÕýºÏÊÊ; ·­Òë: just right; Àý¾ä: ÖÐÎÄ£ºÄǼþ´óÒÂÄã´©ÕýºÏÊÊ¡£ Ó¢ÎÄ£ºThat coat's just right for you. ÖÐÎÄ£ºÕâ¶ÔÎÒÕýºÏÊÊ¡£ Ó¢ÎÄ£ºThat suits me all right.
Subject+ Adverb + ºÏÊÊ. Examples. Õâ Ë« Ь ÎÒ ´© ÕýºÏÊÊ¡£ These shoes fit me just right. Õâô ˵»° ²»ºÏÊÊ¡£ This way of speaking is not suitable. ʲô ʱ¼äºÏÊÊ ...
ÕýºÏÊÊ. fill/fit the bill phrase. to be exactly what is needed in a particular ... More translations of ºÏÊÊin English. È«²¿. ÊÊºÏ · ²»ºÏÊÊ · ²»ºÏÊ浀 · ²»ºÏÊʵؠ...
lẩu rất vừa miệng cho những ng¨¤y se lạnh thế n¨¤y. Õâ˫ЬÎÒ´©×Å ÕýºÏÊÊ. zh¨¨shu¨¡ngxi¨¦ w¨¯ chu¨¡nzhe zh¨¨ng h¨¦sh¨¬. đôi gi¨¤y n¨¤y vừa vặn với tôi thật đẹp.
2019Äê10ÔÂ16ÈÕ · ÕýºÏÊÊÔì¾ä:1¡¢Ð¡ÀöÄܸèÉÆÎ裬×öÎÄÓéίԱÕýºÏÊÊ¡£2¡¢Ã»Ê²Ã´£¬ÎÒÖ»ÊǺÜÐÀÉÍÄãµÄÁý×Ó£¬Ëü×°ÄãÕýºÏÊÊ¡£3¡¢Ëý°ÑССµÄ½ðÔ¿³×²åµ½ËøÑÛÀïÒ»ÊÔ,²»½û´óΪ¸ßÐË, ...
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