闻到 MV|黄诗扶 |歌词 《为有暗香来》插曲 OST A Scent of Time Music Video Lyrics 浅溪CP
闻到MV|黄诗扶|歌词《为有暗香来》插曲OST A Scent of ... - YouTube
闻到影视剧为有暗香来插曲作词:于正作曲:黄诗扶编曲:Tureleon郭超似梦似幻似轻烟笼罩的彼岸谁在呼唤要带我去空灵的山好想了断尘世间的千千万万闯过这关把积攒的气息 ...
我喜欢在早上闻到聚苯乙烯的味道. I love the smell of polyurethane in the morning. 鲤鱼闻到都情愿淹死在水族箱. The carp in the aquarium would rather drown ...
[wén dào] to smell; to sniff sth out; to perceive by smelling. Alternative Meanings Popularity. [wén dào] to smell; to sniff sth out; to perceive by ...
If an animal scents something or someone, it knows that person or thing is there because it can smell it, him, or her. (Перевод 闻到из Cambridge Chinese ...
俄语:услышать, учуять (что-л.) ...